
KIAP, Attorneys at Law and the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA) are pleased to invite you to take part in our seminar.  DISCUSSION TOPICS: Introduction to the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA) and the LCIA Arbitration Rules. Advantages and issues of application of the LCIA Arbitration Rules and English arbitration law. Part...
 4316 26 February 2014
The English version of, the legal reference resource on maritime law, was launched today.  Initiated by the team members of KIAP’s Shipping and Transport Practice, the Project is expected to become a useful tool for English-speaking maritime lawyers, novices and old hands at maritime law, insurers, exporters, importers, as well as coming in handy for undergr...
 3141 24 February 2014
On 5 February 2014 Moscow hosted an annual event, Bank Lawyer conference, organized by the Russian Business Forum. KIAP's senior lawyer Mikhail Samoylov spoke at the event on Arbitration vs. Arbitrazh (commercial) litigation as part of a debate on bank disputes and litigation risks. Mikhail described the pros, cons and prospects of arbitration and arbitrazh courts, their interaction, as well as ...
 3362 5 February 2014
Mikhail Samoylov, senior associate, was granted the status of Associate Member of The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb).  CIArb (The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators) is a not-for-profit, UK registered charity working in the public interest through an international network of branches. Was registered in 1915. It has a global membership of around 12,500 individuals who...
 4509 13 January 2014
 3589 23 December 2013
The Pravo.Ru and the Vedomosti daily have published a joint annual ranking of Russian and international law firms, Pravo.Ru-300.  Based on the industry ranking, KIAP is the best choice for project support in eight legal specializations: Arbitration  Corporate law/ M&A Commercial real estate Tax law Intellec...
 3292 17 December 2013
Summing up the results of the year, the Sekret Firmy journal conducted a research into the Russian legal services market. The ratio of Russian and international rating participants is roughly 30 to 20. KIAP, Attorneys at Law, is No. 27 in the aggregate rating and No. 11 in the TOP-30 Russian law firms.  The ranking of the law firms used a consolidated parameter which takes into...
 3747 4 December 2013
During November 18-20, 2013 the British Embassy in Moscow hosted the English Law Week. KIAP Partners Konstantin Astafiev and Julia Osadchaya represented the firm at this event. Konstantin Astafiev spoke on recent developments in the enforcement of international arbitration awards and asymmetrical arbitration clauses. His presentation can be found here. The conference was centere...
 3508 21 November 2013
A new development stage has commenced for KIAP, with the starting point being rebranding. First and foremost, transformations have affected the name of the Firm. From now on, the Firm will use a short name in the public domain, KIAP, Attorneys at Law, an abbreviation consisting of the last names of the partners. The old logo has been replaced with a new one having a laconic typo...
 3578 12 November 2013
On 6th of November 2013 in London the Russian Arbitration Association (RAA) with the support of TheCityUK held the first roundtable to the international legal community. At the event AB KIAP was represented by Partners Andrey Korelskiy, Konstantin Astafiev and Julia Osadchaya. During the roundtable the participants have discussed main aspects of the international arbitration in Russ...
 3174 8 November 2013
On 10-11 October, 2013 in the city of Prishtina KIAP’s partner of Investment practice James Friedlander conducted a Workshop as a consultant to the International Finance Corporation (IFC).  The subject of the Workshop was ‘Bilateral Investment Treaties’. During the Workshop the participants have also discussed matters related to the attraction and retention of foreig...
 3478 22 October 2013
On 3-4 October 2013 the Moscow City Hall hosted the Medical Products 2013 International Medicine and Technology Forum. The KIAP's partners spoke on the first day of the forum in the session on taxation and customs clearance of medical products. The subject chosen by Konstantin Suvorov was parallel importing. Mikhail Uspenskiy addressed topical aspects of taxation of medical products. ...
 3339 8 October 2013
26 September, on World Maritime Day, a UN special event, KIAP unveils, a new legal information resource dedicated to maritime law. The website is expected to become a useful tool for maritime lawyers, novices and old hands at maritime law, insurers, exporters, importers, as well as coming in handy for undergraduates, postgraduates and practitioners in academic writing...
 3281 3 October 2013
On 10 September 2013 the "Golden Ring" hotel in Moscow hosted the Eighth Annual International Conference on "Derivatives in Russia 2013", focused on the current and future growth of the Russian financial market. By tradition, it was organized by the National Foreign Exchange Association (NFEA), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the International ...
 3547 11 September 2013
International conference «Mastering the Challenges in International Arbitration» organized by the ICAL Alumni Association in collaboration with Stockholm University, the Swedish Arbitration Association, the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce and UNCITRAL was held on 29-30 August 2013 in Stockholm. Partner of AB KIAP Konstantin Astafiev attended the conference....
 3701 2 September 2013
Andrey Korelskiy, the Managing Partner of Korelskiy, Ischuk, Astafiev and Partners, Attorneys at Law, was granted the status of Associate Member of The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb). CIArb (The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators) is a not-for-profit, UK registered charity working in the public interest through an international network of branches. Was registered in ...
 3486 22 August 2013
From July 3rd to the 11th at the British Higher School of Art and Design under the glare of TV cameras for the TV channel Success hosted a nine day intensive project on Design Thinking: The Outer Limits. Marketing Director Irina Bulygina and partner Mikhail Uspenskiy participated in the project and had the opportunity to learn modern approaches in the application of design thinking as a way to s...
 4024 16 July 2013
V International Conference “Russian Bond Market 2013: Challenges of the New Reality organized by URALSIB Capital” was held on 27-28 June 2013 at the “Lotte Hotel Moscow” in Moscow. Julia Osadchaya, Partner of Korelskiy, Ischuk, Astafiev, and Partners, Attorneys at Law, Head of Banking & Finance Practice, attended the conference as a delegate. Over five years the Conf...
 3446 5 July 2013
The opening of the new practice area was driven by a growing interest of KIAP's clients in professional project support for banking & finance law and capital markets. Julia Osadchaya, an international lawyer in banking & finance acknowledged by Chambers Global and Legal 500 EMEA, joined the KIAP as a partner to head the new practice. The main scope of business for the practice...
 3567 26 June 2013