Employment. Проекты

Labour disputes
The employee was absent from the workplace for more than two months, and brought a sick leave certificate opened in one regional hospital to confirm the validity of his absence. The employer doubted the validity of the sick leave and contacted KIAP with a request to assess the prospects for dismissing the employee for absenteeism and to support a legal dispute arising from dismissal on discipl...
 180 22 March 2024 Employment Julia Paushkina
The employer contacted KIAP with a request to terminate the employment contract with the middle manager based on the results of the probationary period. Due to the fact that the company did not have clear criteria to make an unambiguous conclusion whether the employee had passed the probationary period or not, KIAP lawyers were faced with the task of providing various types ...
One of the client's top managers was dismissed due to staff cuts. The dismissal was preceded by several incentive payments based on performance results. The amount received by the employee was significantly smaller than they expected. Having disagreed with the dismissal and non-payment of the bonus in the maximum possible amount, the employee applied to the court. The court ...
 162 22 March 2024 Employment Julia Paushkina
The employer had a strained relationship with one of the employees, who was repeatedly subjected to disciplinary penalties and appealed to the court for challenging each order, delayed the terms of bringing to disciplinary liability by receiving sick leaves for several months, subsequent vacation, etc. During one of the periods when the employee was not released from work, t...
 159 22 March 2024 Employment Julia Paushkina
The parent company decided to dismiss the Head of the Russian representative office due to failure to achieve the set targets. Since the Heads of branches are not subject to additional reasons for termination of employment contracts as Heads of organizations, the client turned to KIAP with a request to assist in the conclusion of an agreement on the termination of employment relations and paym...