
1 февраля вступает в силу целый ряд изменений. Всех юристов должна заинтересовать возможность разрешать отдельные корпоративные споры в третейских судах. Вкладчикам и кредиторам будет полезно узнать, как на них отразится новый порядок определения размера резерва на возможные потери. Для предпринимателей важно своевременно и правильно установить кассовые аппараты с функцией автоматической п...
 7183 31 January 2017 Roman Suslov, Право.Ru
См. также статью "Арбитраж в Гонконге. Введение". Многие арбитражные центры, и Гонконгский международный арбитражный центр (HKIAC) не исключение, предлагают сторонам возможность использовать чрезвычайного арбитра. Написано на эту тему пока немного, поэтому далее я привожу коротко ключевые моменты, которые стоит учитывать, а именно: причины, по которым целесообразно обращаться к ...
 6007 11 January 2017 Закон.ру
When asked what the buzz is in Russia — what lawyers are talking about at the moment — KIAP Partner Anna Grishchenkova laughs. “Of course lawyers always talk about money,” she says. Turning serious, Grishchenkova reports that, at least for her and her fellow litigators, “the top news is the new Arbitration Law.” Grishchenkova describes herself as being “very hopeful” about t...
 8278 31 October 2016 CEE Legal Matters
Anna Grishchenkova, partner at KIAP attorneys at law, interviewed Sarah Grimmer, new Secretary General of HKIAC, during IBA annual conference in Washington Sarah Grimmer was appointed Secretary General of HKIAC on 1 September 2016. Sarah has more than 14 years of experience in the field of international arbitration, spanning inter-State, investor-State and interna...
 10841 18 October 2016 RAA
The Russian Supreme Court recently rendered a decision declaring disputes on challenging agreements with banks in a special financial situation, called by lawyers – “troubled” banks, as non-arbitrable [Bank Trust v. Fosint Ltd., decision dated 16 August 2016 number 305-ЭС16-4051] (“Trust case”). In this case, a “troubled” bank, meaning a bank in which a temporary administratio...
 6422 12 September 2016 Kluwer Arbitration Blog
For more than 15 years, Dr. Manfred Heider has been the Secretary General of the Vienna International Arbitral Centre (VIAC), one of the most reputable and popular arbitral institutions in the world. Partner of litigation and international arbitration practice of KIAP Anna Grishchenkova discussed with the Secretary General of VIAC the way to success in arbitration, ideal a...
 6734 5 April 2016 RAA
First published on Lexis®PSL Arbitration on 08/02/2016. Arbitration analysis: On 1 September 2016, laws 382-FZ and 409-FZ (the new arbitration laws) dated 29 December 2015, will enter into force and mark the culmination of years of reform in the Russian Federation. Anna V Grishchenkova, partner with KIAP attorneys in law, discusses changes to the Russian arbitration landscape. ...
 8275 9 February 2016 LexisNexis
In October 2014, KIAP partner Anna Grishchenkova spoke at the IBA Annual Conference at the Litigation Committee session in Tokyo. The session attracted great interest among the audience, this why its team decided to collect all the reports and materials of the experts from 50 countries and to publish a collection named “Multi-Tiered Dispute Resolution Clauses”. Anna became an editor of the sec...
 5572 10 November 2015 IBA
The Annual RAA conferences are becoming the largest forum on arbitration in Russia and the CIS gathering the representatives of the arbitral institutions and practitioners from all over the globe. This year the conference was very topical and focused on the contemporary challenges in arbitration related to the EU and US sanctions against Russia and the rise of Asian arbitration centers as an al...
 6144 8 June 2015 RAA
RECENT TRENDS I. Introduction II. Brief Note on the Legal Grounds for Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments and Foreign Arbitral Awards A. Basic Grounds for Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments B. Basic Grounds for Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards C. Recognition of Foreign Judgments and Forei...
 8372 2 September 2014 Private International Law 2013/2014 Yearbook