
In October 2014, KIAP partner Anna Grishchenkova spoke at the IBA Annual Conference at the Litigation Committee session in Tokyo. The session attracted great interest among the audience, this why its team decided to collect all the reports and materials of the experts from 50 countries and to publish a collection named “Multi-Tiered Dispute Resolution Clauses”. Anna became an editor of the sec...
 5628 10 November 2015 IBA
The Annual RAA conferences are becoming the largest forum on arbitration in Russia and the CIS gathering the representatives of the arbitral institutions and practitioners from all over the globe. This year the conference was very topical and focused on the contemporary challenges in arbitration related to the EU and US sanctions against Russia and the rise of Asian arbitration centers as an al...
 6191 8 June 2015 RAA
RECENT TRENDS I. Introduction II. Brief Note on the Legal Grounds for Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments and Foreign Arbitral Awards A. Basic Grounds for Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments B. Basic Grounds for Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards C. Recognition of Foreign Judgments and Forei...
 8464 2 September 2014 Private International Law 2013/2014 Yearbook