
On 3-4 November in Stockholm was held the conference for Russian and CIS lawyers, co-organized by the Swedish Arbitration Association (SAA), Russian Arbitration Association (RAA) and SCC. Senior Associate of KIAP, Attorneys at Law, Irina Suspitcyna attended the conference. During the conference were discussed issues connected with resolution of the international commercial dispute...
 3255 7 November 2014
The Supreme Commercial (Arbitrazh) Court of Russia clarified recently whether or not a notification of arbitration is effective if it is received by a parent company rather than a subsidiary company who is the proper party to the arbitral proceedings. Mikhail Samoylov, Senior Associate at KIAP Attorneys at Law, discusses the case. Background and relevant facts Autorobo...
 7392 7 October 2014 LexisNexis
The new architecture of the Supreme Court and the arbitrazh court system, as well as the arrangements and procedures put in place for court ruling appeal as a result of the merger of supreme courts have given our lawyers another opportunity to address the issue and develop new infographics. Incidentally, these will come in useful as a visual aid both for legal professionals and students.   ...
 3681 6 October 2014
Infographic: Supreme Court and Litigation in State Arbitrazh (Commercial) Courts 2014
Infographic: Supreme Court and Litigation in State Arbitrazh (Commercial) Courts 2014
6 October 2014
There are few members of the international community currently less popular than Russia. The opprobrium directed at Vladimir Putin for annexing Crimea earlier this year was redoubled in July with the downing of flight MH17 over Ukraine, an attack believed to have been carried out by pro-Russia separatists. To compound matters, a heavyweight arbitral tribunal in The Hague a matter of weeks after...
 9777 3 October 2014 Konstantin Astafiev, CDR
The 1st Global Conference of the Co-Chairs’ Circle was held in Berlin on 19-20 September 2014. This year the topic of international conference organized by 16 international young arbitration groups and hosted by DIS40 was "Cultural Differences in International Arbitration". Senior Associate of KIAP Irina Suspitcyna attended the conference. During the conference t...
 2804 22 September 2014
17 September 2014 the island of Sardinia in Italy saw the Freediving World Cup kick off. KIAP is a title sponsor for the team, providing support at all stages of the championship.  Freediving is a form of underwater swimming on a single breath (apnoea) without using breathing apparatus; it is considered an extreme sport, in which Russian athletes have demonstrated truly outstand...
 3239 19 September 2014
Swedish Arbitration Days 2014 were held on 4-5 September 2014 in Stockholm. This year the topic of international conference, organized by the Swedish Arbitration Association (SAA), was «Experts in International Arbitration». Irina Suspitcyna, Senior Associate of KIAP, Attorneys at Law attended the conference. Main topics discussed during the Conference were issues co...
 3296 9 September 2014
In the new school year, the International Institute of Management of the Moscow State Institute (University) of International Relations (MSIIR IIM) introduces a course called “Practical aspects of legal engagement management. Modern law firm”. A course of lectures and seminars is offered by Mikhail Uspenskiy, KIAP partner, in the context of Master's programme in Corporate Law and Leg...
 2880 8 September 2014
Today a charity programme, Laweyrs for Kids, has gone online at, a philanthropic effort by the Russian legal community, designed to bring relief to sick children.  The programme, in place since 2011, pays the legal costs awarded to trial lawyers (counsel) to charities for the relief of children with serious health problems, many of whom require expensive treatment ...
 2815 5 September 2014
RECENT TRENDS I. Introduction II. Brief Note on the Legal Grounds for Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments and Foreign Arbitral Awards A. Basic Grounds for Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments B. Basic Grounds for Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards C. Recognition of Foreign Judgments and Forei...
 8374 2 September 2014 Private International Law 2013/2014 Yearbook
Arbitration analysis: In the recent Russian cases Kyrgzstan vs Lee John Bek (№ А40-19518/14) and Kyrgyzstan vs Stans Energy Corp (№ А40-64831/14) the Claimant State sought the revision of an arbitral tribunal's interim award on grounds that it lacked competence. Although the Moscow Arbitrazh Court rendered two decisions (on 24 June 2014 in Lee John Bek and on 8 July 2014 in Stans Energy Corp) w...
 6860 21 August 2014 Lexis®PSL Arbitration
Despite the strained relations between this country and the western world, Russia still appeals strongly to foreign investors. In an attempt to help improve the investment climate, KIAP lawyers have produced a review titled “Doing Business in Russia” using infographics, which will come in handy for foreign business people looking to expand into Russia. Incidentally, you will see that this coun...
 3194 24 July 2014
Hiring foreign individuals has become a real challenge in Russia. Even companies that make every honest effort to comply with the infinite formalities will inevitably face some difficulty in the voluminous paperwork, complicated endorsements and approvals processes for foreigners to lawfully work in Russia. The situation is aggravated by constant changes in the procedures and rules for hiring f...
 3053 10 July 2014
Infographic: How to employ a foreign individual in Russia
Infographic: How to employ a foreign individual in Russia
9 July 2014
KIAP, Attorneys at Law, will serve as the official legal counsel partner for all stages of the Russia — Korea 2014 international motor run to take place between 6 July and 30 August 2014. The motor run marks the 150th anniversary of voluntary migration of Koreans to Russia and the 130th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Russia and Korea. Alexey Sizov, attorney at law, head of cus...
 3336 3 July 2014