Corporate and M&A. Projects

KIAP conducted an on-site inspection of the contract management and "compliance" system to identify risks of improper contract performance with the operator of one of the production sharing agreements. This project is systemically important because, among other things, it generates substantial tax revenues for the regional and federal budgets, as well as providing jobs, including for the local ...
For several years, our team has been successfully supporting the client in corporate consulting and development of relationships with business partners. In particular, our experts take part in structuring the management systems of various joint ventures, incentive programs for the management of such companies, and developing option agreements with employees.  In this regard, on...
For several years, KIAP was the exclusive legal adviser to an international air carrier in Russia. There were no internal lawyers in the client's Russian offices. Ongoing external consulting allowed the client to concentrate on expanding its business in Russia and leave the legal matters to KIAP. Our specialists were involved in numerous projects, including the following: ad...
A group of software development companies faced the need to "relocate" an incentive plan from the international to the Russian level. One of KIAP’s key goals was to provide the client with the most efficient legal form of such plan. It had to take into account the parameters of previous option agreements already familiar to the client, the complex system of corporate and contractual relationsh...
 133 25 April 2024 Corporate and M&A